

Dear Reader,

It is rightly said, “Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime”

SRKSM, being an academic trust, is the best example of above proverb. Running Schools and Colleges, SRKSM has successfully carried the responsibility of nurturing the small, tiny taut to a responsible human being. SRKSM rather than making one a “book worm”, emphasizes on practical implementation of own’s knowledge during their learning. SRKSM provides a platform to the youth to be ableto withstand all the oddsof life. The students are stepping towards achieving their life goals here at SRKSM under the guidance of experienced and knowledgeable faculties. Our faculties too, with the help of advanced technology, without keeping any prejudice, along with educating the students, also teach them life lessons for their betterment. With the perfect co-ordination of the

entire staff, SRKSM works as a team to brighten the student’s future.

We also run “old age home” for old people, which puts SRKSM at newer heights. Such place is the shelter for needy, lonely people.

I am satisfied that I have got all support from the whole staff. (Teaching and nonteaching) of various institutes of SRKSM in achieving what we are today as the management. Without teamwork, it wouldn’t have been possible.

I wish all health, happiness and success to each staff of

SRKSM in their life ahead.